The principle of hormesis
Hormesis is the biological term that essentially summarizes our evolutionary context: as a species we were formed in conditions of acute intermittent physiological stressors, including heat, cold, hunger, thirst, and demanding physical exertion.
It turns out that we evolved not only to survive these situations, but actually to need them in order to activate a series of biological mechanisms essential to our longevity and wellbeing.
In simple terms, hormesis refers to the principle that acute stress, when experienced voluntarily under controlled conditions, is a potent driver of resilience in both body and mind.
As a therapeutic modality, however, hormetic training can take us further. This is a relatively new concept to western science, bridging what are often thought of as two separate realms of mental and physical health. Through simple protocols with readily available tools such as breathwork, cold exposure, and heat exposure, we can cultivate not just physiological resilience but also mental clarity, psychological strength, and — perhaps most importantly — an abiding sense of inner peace.
If you want to delve into research and scientific foundations of this approach we can begin by defining some basic concepts:
The term hormesis refers to how a typically toxic element or substance — cold, heat, even radioactive material — can have beneficial effects at low doses. This has been called the “dose-response revolution” because it reveals that it is the dosage, rather than the substance itself, that determines whether the effects will be beneficial or harmful (Calabrese 2003). “In the fields of biology and medicine hormesis is defined as an adaptive response of cells and organisms to a moderate (usually intermittent) stress” (Mattson 2008). The strategic implementation of intermittent stress, when administered appropriately, is an extremely effective way to heal and strengthen a wide range of physiological and neurological systems within the human body.
Homeostasis is our goal as an organism, in all physiological and neurological systems; if our stress is too great, we cannot recover it. If stress is too little, however, we lose our natural ability to recover from even minor challenges. “Homeostasis is a kind of force ensuring that life is regulated within a range that is not just compatible with survival but also conducive to flourishing, to a projection of life into the future of an organism or a species” (Damasio 2018).
Allostasis, in essence, is our ability to respond to hormetic stressors in order to return to homeostasis. “Allostasis is the extension of the concept of homeostasis and represents the adaptation process of the complex physiological system to physical, psychosocial and environmental challenges or stress” (Logan 2008).
Allostatic load
Allostatic load refers to the tipping point, the amount of accumulated stress to which we are unable to respond productively. “Allostatic load is the long-term result of failed adaptation or allostasis, resulting in pathology and chronic illness” (Logan 2008).
Adaptive homeostasis
This refers to what is sometimes known as the “crossover effect,” whereby the ability to maintain or return to homeostasis in one biological system — for example thermoregulation — increases the body’s ability to maintain or return to homeostasis in another biological system — for example dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain (Pomatto 2017).
In short, hormetic training is the therapeutic means by which we can increase our capacity to overcome or adapt to the stressors of daily life.
Want to learn more?
Check out these references for more info.
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