The anatomy of transformation.


Intellectual clarity.

Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your organization with an incisive process of psychological self-inquiry.


Emotional strength.

Learn to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Increase your capacity to grow in the face of adversity.


Physiological resilience.

Use simple and accesible tools to help regulate your nervous system, keeping you calm and focused even under extreme stress.


Structural integrity.

Implement new habits effectively, using the best neuroscience available to maximize your chances of success.


Employees who feel that the current global situation is impacting their mental health.


Employees who report feeling anxiety at least three days per week.


Leaders who report that the health and productivity of their organization has been compromised.

Source: Pew Research Center, McKinsey.

Experience Beyond Coaching

Most coaching and consulting services stay on the surface, where things are nice and comfortable. They help you meet your yearly training quotas, certainly, and you might learn a few fancy mental models along the way. But let’s face it: with business as usual, significant and sustained improvements are extremely rare.

Given the rapidly increasing pace of global reorganization that has become our new normal, it’s clear that we need a better approach if we are to thrive as individuals, teams, or organizations.

Primal Nature Training is born from personal experience and cutting-edge scientific research on the mechanisms underlying both individual and collective change.

No pretense, no bullshit. Pure results.

We work with a proprietary four-part process, with techniques that allow us to access the cognitive regions of the prefrontal cortex down to the emotional center of the limbic brain, and even further, into the brainstem and the body itself, where our most deep-rooted patterns are held.

On a typical day with us you can expect to learn anything from cutting-edge psychological tools to scientifically validated breathwork protocols, and experience everything from ice baths to postural alignment.

After a comprehensive 4D analysis of the individual and organizational dimensions of your professional context, we develop an individualized process with two fundamental stages, the first of which has three primary goals: increase your intellectual clarity, deepen your emotional strength, and stabilize your physiological resilience.

From there, we can move to the second stage, which is to create reliable structural integrity in your professional life, using your brain’s full potential to fuel performance.

We work with you to design and implement new daily habits that will allow you to make real change in only the scientifically validated manner there is: intelligent, incremental adjustments with results that compound over time.

Get ready for the experience of a lifetime.


  • Well…yes and no. “Crazy” is a highly relative term. If you’re committed to doing things the same as always and crossing your fingers for better results, then yes, you’ll probably consider us to be absolutely insane. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for radical and comprehensive change backed by the best science available, then you might just call us visionary.

  • Absolutely. All of our practices are vetted by medical professionals to ensure their safety, and participants are put through a rigorous screening process to identify any possible contraindications before we begin. Our protocols are always designed to meet the needs and capabilities of everyone involved.

  • We perform a series of before-and-after surveys and tests for all participants, so that there is absolutely no room for doubt about the efficacy of our interventions. We work with a small team of data analysts to process our results and continually improve our protocols.

    We have worked successfully with a wide variety of individuals, small businesses, and major institutions across Europe and the U.S.