Immerse yourself in the power of nature.



Travel to rugged locations full of stunning beauty; prepare yourself to meet physical, mental, and emotional challenges that have the potential to transform.



Engage in a mixture of adventure, training, and focused reflection that together create a powerful catalyst for growth.



Work and play, challenge and nurture, lead and follow, focus and flow; we explore both ends of many overlapping spectrums to forge comprehensive mind-body resilience.



Come together as a team to overcome challenges and celebrate your wins; build robust relationships that will stand the test of time.

Arctic Adventure : Alaska

Five days exploring the wilds of Alaska, from luxury saunas to ice baths in glacial lakes. This trip is about expanding the limits of what we consider to be possible in one of the most beautiful natural settings in the world.

Connect more deeply to nature, and to each other, while tapping in to powerful reserves of strength hidden deep within.


Cold Exposure as Tool for Growth : Building Resilience from Within

Kick off your adventures with a keynote address for the entire organization. We draw on cutting-edge science, ancient spiritual traditions, and our own personal adventures in the arctic to chart the path from cold immersion to comprehensive mind-body resilience applicable in any area of life.

Desert Expedition : Kalahari

Five days fully immersed in the Kalahari Desert, from air-conditioned resorts to tracking wild animals and learning survival skills while camping in the bush. This trip is a life-changing experience with the hunter-gatherers of the Kalahari, living representatives of the original human culture from which our ancestors came.

Learn to adapt, adjust, and thrive even in the harshest of environments; reconnect more deeply to who we truly are and what we really need.


Persistence : Strength, Surrender, and Altered States of Consciousness

Persistence Hunting, where the hunter chases the prey to exhaustion, is the most primitive means possible to catch your dinner; our ability to achieve this seemingly impossible feat is, in fact, at the root of what makes us human. Eric is the only outsider to have ever participated in a successful persistence hunt in the Kalahari. Share with him the insights gained on what it means to be human.

Inner Journey : Psychedelic Experience

Sometimes the most intrepid explorers stay close to home. Rather than traveling to exotic locations, we invite you to our retreat center in Spain where you will have the opportunity to open your heart and expand your mind using scientifically validated protocols for navigating altered states of consciousness.

Whether they admit it openly or not, an extremely high percentage of the world’s top performing individuals and organizations are actively experimenting with psychedelic substances to enhance everything from creativity to productivity, understanding to inner growth. When used in a careful and conscientious manner, these substances have the potential to catalyze radical transformation.


Microdosing vs. Macrodosing : Tools for Performance & Transformation

There is now ample scientific evidence that the judicious use of psychedelic substances can catalyze not only cognitive enhancement but also deep healing and even complete personal transformation. But how, exactly, does this work? What’s really going on in our brains? What are best practices, and what are the risks to be avoided? Explore all these issues and more with experienced practitioners who use psychedelic substances in a focused therapeutic context.